Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Plan to sell…Then disclose Good and Bad

If you plan to put your house on the market, be prepared to tell all about the house…good and bad. This is done through the property Transfer disclosure statement (TDS). Reporting all problems with the home regardless of whether they have been fixed is the safest way to sell your home. Making sure you keep good records is key for as the years pass, many sellers forget about all the repairs they've done to the property. It is recommended that homeowners keep a file of all fixes done to the property. Many sellers resist disclosing problems for fear that their homes won't sell. "That's the fallacy. A buyer will not be swayed by problems if they have made a decision on the house. However, if you sell the home with a problem and the buyer finds out after the close of escrow, the buyer will likely file litigation to resolve the problem—creating unwanted stress and pain.

For your Charlotte Real Estate needs please contact any of our agents.

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